
Hair Loss During Pregnancy

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Hair Loss During Pregnancy, Pregnancy is the most miraculous period of many women’s lives. Upon receiving the news of the baby, many changes are observed in the physical and psychological conditions of women. Perhaps the most important reason for these changes is the hormonal changes in the body. With pregnancy, your body goes through many changes as it prepares to give birth to a living thing. Sometimes, these hormonal changes can cause hair loss during pregnancy.

So how common is this condition?

Are these spills temporary?

Can the hair lost after birth be replaced?

Can hair loss be prevented during pregnancy?

For you; We have prepared a guide where you can get answers to all these questions about hair loss during pregnancy. You can continue reading our article to learn the topics you are curious about…

How Does Pregnancy Affect Hair Health?

Pregnancy can affect your hair in many different ways. Some women state that their hair is healthier than ever during pregnancy. One-third of women report an improvement in their hair health starting from the 4th and 5th months of pregnancy.

However, some women also report that their hair is more problematic than ever. Dry hair is one of the most common hair problems during pregnancy. During this period, hair needs more moisture than ever. Hormonal changes create different results for each individual and each pregnancy. In addition, the responses of hair follicles to the changes experienced also vary.

It is impossible to predict in which direction these effects will occur. Also, while your hair may look better during your first pregnancy, it may be the opposite during your second pregnancy. Still, it is extremely rare for a woman to experience health problems such as hair loss for nine months. Especially in the last trimester of pregnancy, the hair will look better.

Hair Health in the First Trimester of Pregnancy

During the first three months of your pregnancy, you may feel your hair strands getting thicker. However, due to the normal growth cycle of hair, it is quite difficult for it to grow in such a short time. Hair grows only half an inch per month. Therefore, it will take an average of 6 months to notice any change in overall length. Perceived thickness and volume; It is caused by increased estrogen levels during pregnancy. This causes the hair follicles to produce less sebum, thus giving you the appearance of more hair. However, decreased sebum production can cause your hair to dry out. Therefore, be sure to replenish moisture during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester.

Hair Loss During Pregnancy

In general, few hairs are lost during pregnancy. Therefore, your hair usually looks thicker and more voluminous towards the middle and end of pregnancy. This is because as estrogen levels increase, it keeps your hair in the anagen phase for longer than usual. However, hair loss may occur a few months after giving birth as estrogen levels return to normal.

If you see that your shiny and voluminous hair is thinning after you find out that you are pregnant, it is quite normal to be worried. But don’t worry; Because this is probably a temporary situation. So, is hair loss during pregnancy abnormal?

Hair loss during pregnancy is not abnormal; however, it is less common than the shedding seen after birth. However, in some cases, depending on the general health condition of the expectant mother, shedding may also occur during pregnancy. Sometimes, hormonal fluctuations also cause hair loss. While showering or combing your hair, you may observe that you lose more hair than usual. If the shedding continues, it is probably due to some vitamin deficiencies. In this case, by consulting your doctor, you can take precautions to prevent the shedding from increasing.

Causes of Hair Loss During Pregnancy

In general, pregnant women experience some changes in their hair due to increasing estrogen hormone levels. This hormone also affects hair follicles. Sometimes, hair loss may occur for different reasons other than hormonal changes during pregnancy. Additionally, hair loss during pregnancy may be due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies in your body. Stopping birth control pills is another cause of hair loss.

Hair loss usually occurs after the 1st to 5th month of pregnancy. This is a temporary condition that affects 40% to 50% of pregnant women. Hair loss usually returns to normal 6-12 days after birth. Hormonal and some physical changes can also cause this type of hair loss during pregnancy. Some possible causes of hair loss during pregnancy are listed below:

Nutrient Deficiency:

Pregnancy is a period when the body needs more nutrition. Additionally, vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy may also cause nutritional deficiency. Not taking enough foods with high nutritional value causes hair loss during pregnancy. Iron, protein, mineral, and vitamin deficiencies also contribute to this condition. Additionally, excessive vitamin intake can also be a cause of hair loss.

Pregnancy-Related Diseases:

Sometimes, gestational diabetes or fungal infections seen in pregnant women can also cause hair loss. Moreover; Some medications used to combat high blood pressure and depression during pregnancy also increase the risk of hair loss. If you encounter such situations, we recommend that you consult your doctor.

Hormonal Changes:

Hormonal changes during pregnancy; Since it interferes with the normal hair growth cycle, it is one of the main causes of changes in hair. This can result in excessive hair loss during the first trimester of pregnancy; However, this is a temporary situation and the situation reverses a few months after birth.

Genetic Factors:

Another cause of hair loss is genetic factors. If your mother also had hair loss problems during pregnancy, your risk of encountering the same problem increases.

Thyroid Disorders:

Disorders in thyroid hormones are one of the causes of hair loss during pregnancy. This hormone; It affects a person’s digestive system, metabolism, psychological state, and even hair and nails. Therefore, thyroid disorders can cause your hair to fall out.

Gynecological Diseases:

Some diseases such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome; It may cause excessive hair growth or scalp loss during pregnancy.

Reproductive Causes:

Discontinuation of birth control pills or other birth control methods may cause hair loss. Moreover; Abortion, stillbirths and miscarriages are also among the causes of hair loss.

Scalp Diseases:

During pregnancy, many women may experience skin allergies or problems affecting the scalp. These can contribute to hair thinning and even hair loss.

How to Prevent Hair Loss During Pregnancy?

Hair loss during pregnancy or after birth is usually not a significant problem; because this is a temporary condition and returns to normal shortly after birth. However, since it may harm the mother and baby; Conditions such as illness or nutritional deficiency may underlie hair loss. So, how to prevent hair loss during pregnancy and reduce existing hair loss?

Care with Oil:

Regularly caring for your scalp can be very beneficial for your hair health. Applying hair care oil twice a week before going to bed can help nourish your hair. Among the best natural care oils for hair health; It contains coconut, almond oil, and olive oil.

Avoid Overprocessing:

During pregnancy; Instead of using too many straighteners, dryers, or other tools for your hair, try preserving your natural hair type. Be gentle with your hair when it is wet and use a wide-tooth comb to comb your hair.

Beware of Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency:

Pregnant women are recommended to have a healthy diet that includes the essential nutrients necessary for themselves and their babies. It is recommended that you follow a diet rich in vegetables and fruits containing antioxidants and flavonoids. These will stimulate your hair growth and protect your scalp.


One of the main causes of hair loss during pregnancy is stress. However, it is unlikely that you will be stress-free during pregnancy. In this situation; It’s important to focus on things that make you feel good. Meditation can help prevent stress and stress-related hair loss during pregnancy.

Avoid Hair Products Containing Chemicals: On the shelves of cosmetic markets, you can find many products that claim to eliminate hair loss. However, these products; are not suitable for pregnant women as they contain harmful chemicals. During pregnancy; You should only use hair care products that contain biotin and silica.

You may visit our shop to examine Evocapil Plus products with natural ingredients that prevent hair loss.

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Avoid Combing Your Hair When Wet:

We usually comb our hair shortly after getting out of the shower. However, you should avoid this; Because when your hair is wet, it is much easier for your hair to break off. If you comb your hair when it’s wet, your strands tend to shed more. It is best to wait for the hair to dry naturally. Instead of a dryer, you can try using a towel to dry your hair.

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